Welcome to the musings of Angie Windheim (that's me!). A garden-obsessed writer, artist, and mid-century mama to three 20-somethings. The nest may be empty, but the mothering journey continues. Here you'll find my stories about sowing seeds for life's second half, staying curious, and growing old gratefully. Make sure you don't miss a post - subscribe here.
hawk spa day
sightseeing at home
Time to Fly for Kindness Roots
The virtual confetti is floating in the air above, and I have just a few butterflies fluttering in my belly. For many months I have been quietly creating art, preparing a website, and putting all the pieces together to launch a new adventure called Kindness Roots. Today, I am letting it fly! Kindness Roots is an art-filled...
Winter in Oregon’s Birdland
February finally brought the freeze to my Willamette Valley home in Oregon. Most of us would rather travel to enjoy the snow on Mt. Hood with skis or snowboards rather than pick up the pieces of broken trees and power lines in our neighborhoods. Still, it is pretty amazing experience to hear the silence and...
Travel to Italy in AngieWindheimPhoto Etsy Shop
Logo Redesign Roots New Direction
When I sat down in January to start my Decade in Review, guided by the force that is Marie Forleo, I already new I wanted big change in 2020. After taking time to write down and revisit personal and professional accomplishments for the last 10 years, I am proud and ready to kick some booty in my next decade....
Congrats to the Class of Twenty Eighteen
Seniors – your joy is contagious – graduation is soooo close! It was amazing to spend a few hours with each of my Class of 2018 clients. So now with my heartfelt congratulations I cannot resist sharing one more peek at your glorious faces. But before I do, it is the season of celebration but...